Default Values for Function Parameters in ES6

John Lindquist
InstructorJohn Lindquist
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Published 11 years ago
Updated 6 years ago

With ECMAscript 6 we get the luxury of default parameters for our functions.

Lukas: [00:00] default arguments in ES6 allow you to assign some defaults to these guys. If I run this right now you'll see I'll get "undefined, undefined" because nothing was passed in for "greeting" or "names", so when they get logged out they're both undefined.

[00:15] If I want his name to at least default to John, if I don't pass anything in, I can get "undefined" to "John". I didn't pass anything in here, but I said the name should at least be John so it logs out the name as John.

[00:29] If I pass in "Hello" here, and then run this, you can see I get "Hello John". "Hello" comes through the greeting, logged out here as "Hello" and the name still defaults to John, and then is logged out here.

[00:45] If I say "Hello, Bill", the default will be overridden and I'll get Bill instead of John, because the default was John, but I said explicitly to say Bill.

[00:58] Where this gets a little bit crazier is when you assign a default function to one of the arguments. Right now, "complete" is undefined, so it will say "undefined is not a function" when I try to invoke it.

[01:10] But, if I pass in a function and say "log complete", and I run this, you can see it logs complete out, because it invokes it when it's passed in.

[01:21] But, I can take this function, I'll cut it out of here and then assign that as the default function and then I'll rerun it and you'll see I still get complete.

[01:31] We can make this a little bit shorter using the arrow syntax that I've covered before. If I do that and then get rid of the braces and then bring everything up to the same line, you can see that I can assign a default function, all within that same line, run it again, and I still get complete.

[01:49] If you want to go completely crazy with arrow functions, which I don't recommend, you could go "let receive" and I'll assign it to an arrow function, delete these braces, pull everything up to the same line, and then just invoke it this way. It still runs and this just doesn't look like JavaScript.

[02:07] It's not a JavaScript you'd write, but it's very unfamiliar with the new syntax, with the arrow functions and the default assignments all working on the same line.

~ 9 years ago

I run the code , but there is SyntaxError:

/usr/local/Cellar/node/5.6.0/bin/node --use-strict /Users/huanghaitao/WebstormProjects/es6/default.js /Users/huanghaitao/WebstormProjects/es6/default.js:5 let receive = (complete = () => console.log("complete")) => complete() ^

SyntaxError: Unexpected token = at exports.runInThisContext (vm.js:53:16) at Module._compile (module.js:387:25) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:422:10) at Module.load (module.js:357:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:314:12) at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:447:10) at startup (node.js:140:18) at node.js:1001:3

Process finished with exit code 1

the config not right?

~ 8 years ago

you don't have es6 enabled.

~ 8 years ago

Love the one liner at the end.

Venkata Janapareddy
Venkata Janapareddy
~ 8 years ago

Could you please tell me how you are running app.js in the built in terminal? Thanks

~ 8 years ago

Press the green "play" button, or Shift+F10 ( in case of webStorm)

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